Tips for taking photos of your pet

Get down low, focus on the eyes and use the light well to take beautiful photos of your pet

Taking photos of pets is obviously one of my favourite things to do. I usually use my “proper” camera but sometimes my phone is what I have with me at the time. I’d rather take a photo with my phone and capture the moment than miss the moment for the sake of using my proper camera. Here are some tips when taking photos of your pet, no matter the type of camera you’re using.

  1. Get down low! We’re so used to seeing the world from the height we stand. Try getting down as low as your pet’s eye level, to see the world from their point of view and also something different to your own.

  2. Focus on the eyes. We naturally look to people’s and animal’s eyes, so make sure they’re in focus to draw the viewer’s attention.

  3. Photos are all about capturing light. Try to find a location that is either completely shaded or no shade at all. Speckled light shining on your subject, such as when the sun shines through the foliage of a tree, should be avoided. Have your back to the sun so your pet is facing the light source.

Feel free to ask questions in the comments, but if you’re interested in me creating some beautiful printed images of your pet, please get in touch and we can plan a customised photo shoot to suit you and your pet.


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