Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is collected, used and shared when you visit this website or make an enquiry and is subject to the privacy principles set out in the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth).

This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions and Website Terms of Use of which this Privacy Policy forms part.

By using this website you are agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Website Terms of Use

All visitors, users, clients and customers must comply with the Website Terms of Use when using this website.

By accessing this website, you confirm that you agree to abide by all of these Website Terms of Use. These terms apply to the entire website and any email or other type of communication between you and Central Coast Pet Photography.

We ask you to please read these terms carefully. If you do not agree with our terms, you must cease using this website immediately.

Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions outline how Central Coast Pet Photography operates, so you know what to expect at each stage as a client. It includes information regarding services; fees; reschedules and refunds; photo shoot and animal handling expectations; image licencing and copyright; and more.

Please ensure you read the Terms and Conditions and don’t hesitate to contact Central Coast Pet Photography if you need assistance.